After all, if she didn’t, she would have stopped him. She stops talking to him after that and he’s freaking out saying she’s being a bitch and he was worried she was going to tell on him even though she definitely wanted it. Pretty much they were having a sleepover and he sticks his hand down her pants and starts fingering her out of no where. “I remember a guy who unknowingly admitted to molesting his cousin on askreddit when he was asking for advice. He molested his cousin during a sleepover
That one made me sick to my stomach.” - Capcombric 2. It was reposted on Reddit and ended up making the news. They said yes, and then he responded with pictures of her body, strung up so that her teenaged son would find it when he got home, as the other commenters continued to encourage him. “There was a guy who posted on /b asking if he should kill his girlfriend. Some pretty bizarre stuff has happened on Reddit over the years.